Studies Confirm Benefits From Exercise

Insanity Workout Reviews Why it pays to exercise The timeworn expression “You’re never too old to . . .” (fill in the blank) often rings true — especially when it comes to exercise. A new study by Spanish researchers found that 90-year-old men improved balance and muscle mass after completing a 12-week regimen of weight…

5 Reasons Running May Not Help You Lose Weight

Garcinia Cambogia for Weight Loss[]2013 Terrific ! Diet for Weight Loss [Free Trials] Tëst Garcinia.C. Cømplℯtℯly Fℝℰℰ! And if you’re short on time, you might be better served by cycling (preferably at a high intensity) as opposed to going for a longer walk or jog. Running Mistake No. 5: You Run Too Much (Yes, Too…

Workshop On Fighting Diabetes

10 Foods That Stop Diabetes The Sahaj Yoga is a meditation method used to control stress and stress related sugar level. This 10-20mins yoga is mainly the art of “sitting and silencing your mind’. On 12th Oct at 8.30 am, in the workshop Dr.Sandeep Rai, Professor and Diabetologist from MGM Hospital will deliver the Scientific…

Health Benefits Of Different Types Of Milk

Cardamom or eliachi milk: May not be a common ingredient in milk, but flavoured milk is always refreshing on a hot day. Cardamom milk is healthier than having flavoured milk like chocolate and strawberry. What are the health benefits of cardamom milk? Cardamom contains potassium, calcium, riboflavin, niacin, vitamin-C and magnesium. It is also used…